lunedì 28 aprile 2014


Buon salve all,
how are you? How does proceed your digital life?
Some days ago I spoke you, in this post, about the solved issue I encounter to configure the dhcp relay into a Juniper SRX1400 cluster environment. Today I would like to update that issue describing you how you can configure a different DHCP-RELAY for a different reth you have configuerd on your firewall.

Technology involved: Juniper SRX 1400
Software release: JUNOS Software Release [12.1X46-D15.3]
Description: configuration, into a cluster environment, of the DHCP relay for reth X.Y. Configuration of a different DHCP relay for a different reth K.H. 

Into the image above you can see a simple network schema. This post will descrive the configuration you have to insert on the firewall Juniper SRX1400 to permit that some reth X.Y interface will forward the DHCP request to one DHCP server 01 and others (minimum one interface) will forward the DHCP request to a different DHCP server 02.

All the check you have to perform on the Juniper SRX 1400 are the same described into the previous post: firmware, jdhcpd, etc.

What does it have to change?
The following configuration:

forwarding-options {
    dhcp-relay {
        server-group {
            DHCP-SERVER-01 {
                XXX.YYY.ZZZ.KKK; (this is the ip address of the DHCP-SERVER-01)
            DHCP-SERVER-02 {
                HHH.JJJ.WWW.QQQ; (this is the ip address of the DHCP-SERVER-02)
        group DHCP-SERVER-01-GROUP {
            active-server-group DHCP-SERVER-01;
            interface reth1.41;
            interface reth2.42;
            interface reth1.307;
            interface reth1.305;
        group DHCP-SERVER-02-GROUP {
            active-server-group DHCP-SERVER-02;
            interface reth2.306;
            interface reth2.304

I hope this post can help you and your troubleshooting!

Have a nice day!

giovedì 17 aprile 2014


Buon salve all,
how are you? How does proceed your digital life?
Today I speak you about a case I encountered some weeks ago. After an internet search, trying to solve the issue (you find it into the title) by myself, I don't find enough technical documentation; so I hope this post will help anyone of you will encounter the same problem.
So let's start. 

Technology involved: Juniper SRX 1400
Software release: JUNOS Software Release [12.1X46-D15.3]
Description: configuration, into a cluster environment, of the DHCP relay for reth X.Y. The examples and configurations, will follow, will be shown for reth 2.42 (my real and persona case).

First point - it's fundamental to have installed onboard at least the software release described above: the DHCP relay into a cluster environment is supported starting from this release and not before.

Second point - on your cluster juniper, from console type the following comand:
root# run show system processes extensive | grep dhcp

Check that the output of the command typed is:

1281 root        1  96    0 50280K 12060K select  19:38  0.00% jdhcpd

The important think is that you find jdhcpd and not dhcpd.
The dhcpd is the normal dhcp unders system services, and it's the usual way you can configure dhcp into a single environment. Obviously the jdhcpd is the only manner to configure dhcp and dhcp relay into a cluster environment. To enable the jdhcpd you can type the following command:

set forwarding-options dhcp-relay server-group <sever-group-name> <ip-address>
set forwarding-options dhcp-relay active-server-group <server-group-name>
set forwarding-optoins dhcp-relay relay-option-60 vendor-option ……
set forwarding-options dhcp-relay group <group-name> interface <interface-name>
That, translated into my real case will produce the following configuration:

forwarding-options {
    dhcp-relay {
        server-group {
            DHCP-SERVER-XYZ {
        active-server-group DHCP-SERVER-XYZ;
        group DHCP-RELAY {
            interface reth2.42;

After done this, check again the output of the command:

root# run show system processes extensive | grep dhcp

Another command that can help you to understand if DHCP packets are exanched you cna type:
root# run show dhcp relay statistics

I hope this post can help you and you troubleshooting.

Have a nice day!

mercoledì 16 aprile 2014


Buon salve all,

How are you? This is the first post of this new blog, this new project, and first of all I think it's better if I introdoce myself. You will know me as the DigitShaman, obviously a nickname, but a nickname that say something about me. 
I am an engineer, I work in Turin (but I don't live here, I traverl by train all the days), Italy. I am work as a consultant, and the job title my bosses decide to write on my businness card is Network System Engineer. All of this few words I hope explain the "Digit" part of the nickname. What about the second part, the "Shaman" part? This part say to you that I am also not so Digital as expected by an engineer. I am atypical for some aspects and absolutly typical for others. All of this words are just to say that you have to excuse me if sometimes I will not use rights and puctual technical words.
I will also ask you to excuse me if sometimes I will use a bad english; I hope to emprove it, using it.

Have a nice day!